Monday, March 28, 2011

I could get used to this...

I had a four day weekend this weekend and I must say, I could really get used to having more of them!  My house is clean, I went shopping,  I bought groceries,  the laundry is done, the house is organized,  I got to see my sister, my camera is full of new pictures, I was able to have brunch with my husband on Sunday (this never happens), and I have a new flower arrangement on the coffee table.

I went to the market and picked up some flowers in an attempt to make my own flower arrangement.  Usually, when I buy them already made I pick half of the leaves off and pull out some of the other little flowers, so I decided to do it myself since I had a lot of extra time today.  I was so overwhelmed at the market and stood in front of the flowers for about 15 minutes, and when I felt like people were looking at me wondering why I kept scanning over everything without picking any out, I just grabbed.  I ended up buying pink hydrangeas and cream roses.

The finished product.  I'm not sure if I have a future in flower arranging, but I had fun trying.


  1. very nice... very, very nice.

  2. The rose pics are gorgeous! great job
